Sunday, 24 February 2013

Topics Covered for First Assessment

Primary 1: First Sound "b, c & d" (pg. 4), Nouns (pg. 12), Proper & Common Nouns (pg. 13), Singular & Plural Nouns (pg. 27), First Sound "h,j & k" (pg. 34)

Primary 2: First Sound "b & p"/ Ending Sound "p" (pg. 4), "Many, a few, a little, a lot of, much & some" (pg. 15), First and Ending Sound "g & k" (pg. 25-26), Conjunctions (pg. 34-35)

Primary 3: Consonants "b,p, d and t" (pg. 4), Simple Present Tense (pg. 12), Review Comma (pg. 13-14), Consonant blends bl and pl (pg. 21), Review: The Simple Past Tense (pg. 32-33)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Revision week is on...

Little brothers and sisters, it's time to start revision week... The 1st assessment is coming soon, so we must all be ready for this important examination.

The following are the dates for the English 1st assessment P1-P3:

Primary 1: Friday, 1st March
Primary 2: Wednesday 27th February
Primary 3: Wednesday 27th February

Don't let it catch you unprepared!!!

Topics covered will be posted soon... In the meantime, we'll be going through our past lessons in class...

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Dictionary time

It's time for us to start our Dictionary Campaign: My Dictionary & I! Get your dictionaries ready and let's begin preparing ourselves for the ultimate Dictionary challenge!

This video can help you get started on the basics of using a dictionary...check it out!